Clutter Attitude Adjustment: from Scarcity to Abundance

Dyer_Abundance_quoteIf you are keeping the stuff of your clutter because you “might need it someday” or some other “what if”, it’s time to shift your attitude towards abundance.

When talking to my clients about the clutter they keep, I very often hear reasoning like this:

I haven’t used that old bike for years, but I might again someday   or   What if I need it and don’t have it.

You might not see it if you are in the habit of this mentality, but usually the chances of those “what if’s” coming to fruition are quite rare. The problem with this thinking is that it comes from a place of scarcity. It says you believe you won’t have what you need when you need it. You are telling the universe that it won’t provide for you. Indeed, you are telling yourself that you can’t take care of you! If follows, then, that you are manifesting scarcity in life. You attitude is that the universe is out to screw you over. Yikes!

I recommend that you shift your thought process and come from a place of abundance. Decide that if a possession is not serving you now, today, this week, this month, then it needs to get out of your way. Because, after all, you are a fabulous one-of-a-kind gift to this world. Trust the universe so that when the occasion comes that you need 70 shopping bags all at one time, the universe will provide those items in that quantity just for you. Believe that you are strong, capable and life, therefore, will provide for you. The difference in the thought process is quite simple yet the effects are profound.

Getting rid of that old bicycle or those large quantities of shopping bags not only opens up room in your life for something new and amazing, it provides immediately for someone else who can use those things today. So there’s abundance and good karma in this attitude shift!

Go for abundance. The universe will reward you.


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